To access your Store Categories from your Dashboard, click the Catalog shortcut in your Overview panel and choose the Store Categories button below the recent items list. Or from anywhere in your Business Control Panel, choose Sell Online from the navigation bar and then the Store Categories link. You will find a list of Store Categories already added, if you have added any.
Click the Add New Category button. Enter the Category name in the Category field as you would like it to appear to the user.
In the Description field, you can enter notes about what kinds of items you’ll list in this category, so that staff or teammates can see the instruction when managing categories.
Use the Display Order drop menu to assign an order to your categories other than alphabetical. For example, if you want the categories in your store to appear, from top to bottom, Shoes, Boots, Coats, Hats, assign the order for each as 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively. If you leave all items as 1 in the display order, they will appear in alphabetical order.
Under Main Category, all Store Categories with the Yes, pin to top box checked will appear in the primary category list in the full catalog. If you uncheck the Yes, pin to top button, the category will not appear except as a sub-category of a group in which it is cross-referenced. For example, you might make “Shoes” a main category, but uncheck the box for sub-categories like Men’s, Women’s, Nike and Puma. In the full Catalog, only Shoes will appear in the Category list. But when a user selects Shoes, the sub-categories of Men’s, Women’s, Nike and Puma will appear for further filtering, with each filter displaying only the items that are cross-referenced in both “Shoes” and the corresponding sub-category.
At this time you cannot un-check the Active box. All categories remain active.
In the Store Category list, click the Category name or the pencil icon to edit the Category name or attributes. The red-X icon deletes the category, but not the catalog items assigned to it.
You can also access the Store Categories manager during the building of a Marketplace Item by clicking the (add/edit) button in the Categories in Your Store section of the item editor.
Related Article: Planning Store Categories