You can use the Editing Toolbar to format the content you add in some editing fields of your Business Control Panel, such as Profile Description, Marketplace Item description, Web Pages, Newsletters and more. Any field where content can be formatted will have a toolbar that looks approximately like this:

Or like this:

Depending on which module you’re in, there may be more or fewer buttons for insertions at the top right corner.

Opens a window for editing the page in HTML code. If you are not comfortable or knowledgable working with code, you can do most things you want in the “What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get” (WYSIWYG) view. However, there are simple instructions for embedding a video player here

Undo/Redo your last action

Cut-copy to the clipboard, Copy to the clipboard, and Paste from the clipboard - choose from normal, with formatting removed, or maintaining Microsoft Word formatting

Start a numbered list or bulleted list

Align the line where your cursor is located Left, Centre or Right (highlighted is the current alignment)

Hyperlink or unlink text or an image to another page. Highlight the text or click on to select the image you wish to link and click the link icon to open the link dialog box. In the Link Info tab of the dialog, you can specify in the Link Type drop menu whether users who click on the text or image will be sent to a page (URL), will open an email in their email client (Email) or move elsewhere on the same page using Link to Anchor in the Text. You will need to be able to use the Source code window to create an anchor.

Enter the page URL or email information in the fields offered, or select from available page anchors after selecting the Link Type.

In the Target tab of the Link dialog, you can specify by selecting from the menu how the linked page will be presented, such as in a pop-up window on the same page or a completely new page. 

The Advanced tab of the dialog allows controls that will be familiar to programmers/developers and can be left alone for most users.

To remove a link from text or an image, highlight the item and click the remove link icon (link with “x”)

Inserts a table in your page (you can use this to create columns too). When you click the icon, a dialog box appears in which you can highlight the desired number of cells in width and height by moving your cursor around the cell chart. Click when you have highlighted the desired grid, and you will be returned to the editing field with the table inserted.

For more advanced controls of your table, click more… at the bottom of the grid instead of highlighting cells, to open a controls dialog. In this dialog you can control all of the properties of the table: 

  • Number of rows and columns

  • Height and width in pixels

  • Cell spacing (gaps between cells) 

  • Cell padding (gaps inside the cells between edges and text)

  • Headers (fixed row or column for titles)

  • Border size (line weight - for no lines, choose 0)

  • Alignment on the page

  • Caption - creates a title above the table

  • Summary - notes for your reference do not appear on page

Click OK when you’ve defined your properties to save and close the dialog and return to the editing field.

Once the table is created, you can still make edits to the properties: right-click on the table and choose from tasks in the pop-up list, including reopening the Table Properties dialog.

Places a horizontal line across the full width of your page in the location of your cursor

  • Insert a photo (see related article) at the location of your cursor

  • Insert a video (see related article) at the location of your cursor

  • Insert an ad or “pod” linking to a Marketplace Item at the location of your cursor. A dialog box opens where you can browse your catalog. Click on the item you want to insert, then click the OK button in the bottom right corner of the dialog box. You’ll be returned to the page editing window and the item will appear in the selected location.

Start or make highlighted text BoldItalic or Underlined 

  • Change text color starting at your cursor, or for highlighted text

  • Apply highlight background color starting at your cursor, or for highlighted text

Remove text formatting or style (paragraph format, font and size are unaffected)

Choose from preformatted paragraph styles starting at your cursor, or for highlighted text

Choose a font (typeface family) starting at your cursor, or for highlighted text

Choose a type size starting at your cursor, or for highlighted text

Choose a specialized style for all text on the same line as your cursor, or for highlighted text