If you have a Quicksite or Kicksite with a photo gallery, you may have set up indexing of the photos using Photo Tags, so that users can browse your gallery according to groups organized differently from the albums you used in your ShopCity.com photo gallery.

For example, a clothing store might have profile albums labelled by clothing type: Sweaters, Shirts, Suits, Dresses, Pants, Accessories. But on their website, perhaps they want a "Collections" page where users can browse by designer: Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Gucci, Vendi, Valentino, Prada. Perhaps another website page offers users the ability to browse by season: Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall.

Your ShopCity.com website designer can create a the gallery index pages by brand and season, and you can assign each photo "Quicksite Tags" so that it appears in all the appropriate galleries on your website.

When Uploading New Photos

  1. Start in the Publish tab and select the Photos link. 
  2. In the Album List, click on the Album you want to manage.
  3. Click the Upload Photos link.
  4. You can load up to five photos at a time to your Album. For each photo, click a Choose File button and browse for the .jpg photo on your computer.
  5. Double-click the file you want, or click once and then click Open in the file browser
  6. Enter a caption in the Caption field; this is optional, but recommended to help search engines know that the picture supports your message, and to explain the image to users. If you do not have a Quicksite/Kicksite, skip to step 7.
  7. (Quicksite/Kicksite Users Only) If you have a Quicksite or Kicksite with a photo gallery using Photo Tags, enter any appropriate Photo Tags, separated by commas, in the corresponding Quicksite Tag field in the right column.
  8. When you have selected (and captioned and tagged) up to five image files, click Upload Now to finish and return to the Album.

To Add or Edit Quicksite Tags on Existing Photos in Your Gallery

  1. Start in the Publish Tab and click the Photos link. Open the Album by clicking on the Cover Photo in the Album List.
  2. Click on the thumbnail of the image whose Quicksite Tags you want to add or change
  3. Type or change the tag text in the Tags field, separating each tag by a comma, for example: Ralph Lauren, Summer
  4. Remember to click Save Changes at the bottom to finish
  5. Click Back to Album at the top to return to the Album when you are done