You can manage Gift Certificate redemptions in your Business Control Panel. In your Dashboard, click the Gift Certificates shortcut under the Overview, or choose Sell Online from the navigation bar anywhere in your Business Control Panel and click the eGift Cards link or the Gift Certificates panel. If you have sold any Gift Certificates, a list will display in order of recency, with the newest first. The sales and available balance totals will appear at the bottom of the list.

Click on any part of any entry (except the ID #) to open the Certificate. If the Gift Certificate has been redeemed, a usage history will show at the top. If this is the first redemption, there will be no usage history.


The usage history will show the date of each redemption and the name of the staff who accepted the Certificate at left, and the amount redeemed on that date at right. The available remaining balance on the card will show at right at the bottom of the history.

To redeem all or part of the remaining balance, enter the amount to redeem in the Amount to Use field, the authorization code printed on the certificate in the Authorization Code field, and the name of the staff member accepting the redemption in the Redeeming Clerk field. There is a blank field for Notes in case there are any comments or issues to report pertaining to the redemption. If the clerk accepting the certificate does not have access to the Business Control Panel, he or she can call the help number on the certificate and quote the authorization code for help identifying and updating the remaining balance on the Gift Certificate.

Click the Redeem/Update Gift Certificate button and you should see the transaction recorded in the history, and the Available Balance updated.

Related Article: Activating Gift Certificates

Related Article: Customizing Gift Certificates

Related Article: Unable to Read Authorization Code on Gift Certificate