You can create and upload custom gift certificate backgrounds for your business, which will be offered to purchasers instead of the stock backgrounds in our library. 

  1. Select Publish from the navigation bar in your Business Control Panel, and click the GC Backgrounds link

  2. Choose the New Background button

  3. Give your background a name in the Background Title field

  4. Click Choose File to browse for an image on your computer

  5. Click the Save button

  6. From the gallery of uploaded backgrounds you build, you can choose which ones are displayed for customer purchase by checking the box under the image, next to the title

TipFor best results images should be in PNG or JPG format, 700px wide by 380px tall, and contain as little white as possible. If the image is not those dimensions, the background wizard will select the center of the image in those dimensions.

Related Article: Managing Gift Certificate Redemptions

Related Article: Activating Gift Certificates